About David Schreck

Enjoying retirement and after over 15 years of writing articles for this site I'm no longer posting here.Referendum Campaigner
As secretary-treasurer of the No BC-STV Campaign Society, worked on defeating the proposal to change how MLAs are elected.Economic / Management Consultant
Services included conducting seminars on economics, analyzing employee benefit plans and programming personal computer applications, but assisting with change while permanent staff are recruited has been the most satisfying. That includes a six month contract (Jan-July, 1990) as Acting Chief Executive Officer of the British Columbia Nurses' Union, a six month contract (April-Sept, 1997) as Acting Executive Co-director (Operations) for the Health Sciences Association (HSA), and in 1998, two months as Communications Director for HSA.Premier's Office
(Nov 1998 - Sept 1999, and Feb 2000 - Jan 2001) Special Advisor to the Premier of British Columbia If you have seen "West Wing", you have an idea of the intensity of this experience. The gap between the two periods as Special Advisor was filled as a volunteer and media spokeperson for Ujjal Dosanjh's leadership campaign.MLA
(1991-96: North Vancouver Lonsdale) An active member of the B.C. Legislature's Public Accounts Committee, served on the Parliamentary Reform Committee and on the Health and Social Services Committee. Served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Employment and Investment and as Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier.General Manager of CU&C Health Services Society
(1979-88) CU&C was the nonprofit health society that provided group dental insurance, wage indemnity and extended health plans to almost 600,000 British Columbians. Introduced an audit technique which included the development of dentist profiles combined with independent examinations of patients so as to verify whether work which was billed was actually performed. CU&C has since merged with MSA to form Pacific Blue Cross.Regional Manager and CEO of the Vancouver Resources Board
(1975-77) The VRB was responsible for social services in Vancouver. Completed the integration of three former social service agencies: City of Vancouver Welfare Department, and two children's aid societies.Education
Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 1978 (economics).Ph.D. thesis was a mathematical model of discrimination against women in the labour force, specialized in mathematical economics and econometrics.
B.A. (economics major), Grinnell College, 1969
Political Activity
Candidate for the provincial NDP in the 1983, 1986, 1991 and 1996 elections, federal candidate for the NDP in 1984. MLA for North Vancouver Lonsdale from 1991-96.In the late 1970s, participated in two elections in Vancouver for city council with COPE. Following the 1996 provincial election, an unsuccessful bid for city council in the District of North Vancouver.
Plans do not include running in any future election.